Monday, July 14, 2008

A Promise: God Said it, I Believe It

If you're read my blog for any amount of time, you know that God has given me a promise. And most of you know that God has taken me through a time of development, and through a time of waiting. And now into a time of rest. And yet, even in the time of rest, there is still a wonder.

All of it requires a step OUT in faith. Truly stepping out in genuine faith. And Sunday's "Streams in the Desert" spoke volumes to me. And thank you Nancy for letting me know about it (I keep that devotional at work so I hadn't seen it yet). I just read it this morning.

"God... calls things that are not as though they were." - Romans 4:17

the last paragraph was like water to my thirsty soul...

If God has said so, surely you do not want to suggest He has lied! If He has spoken, will He not fulfill it? If He has give you His word - His sure word of promise - do not question it but trust it absolutely. You have His promise, and in fact you have even more - you have Him who confidently speaks the words. "Yes, I tell you" (Luke 12:5). Trust Him!

All for now (I think),

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