Monday, August 04, 2008


You know, they say when you lose one of your senses (seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, etc), it makes the others ones seem more heightened. While I cannot confirm or refute that, I would say the same holds true for life experiences. Having lost my only sibling (who was, without a doubt, my best friend), I am now keenly aware of friendships. Perhaps sometimes too keenly. Unfortunately, sometimes I can be too sensitive to a friend's behavior - which is great when the behavior is good, but needs to be seasoned with grace and mercy with the behavior is not so good. I also believe the loss of my sister has given me the boldness to always be sure to tell my friends I love them and to take the opportunity to say things I might have otherwise left unsaid. I am very aware just how precious life truly is.

So, today, when both Our Daily Bread and My Utmost for His Highest spoke on friendship, it gave me reason to pause to think about that. And to blog about it also. says, “friend·ship –noun
1. the state of being a friend; association as friends: to value a person's friendship.
2. a friendly relation or intimacy.
3. friendly feeling or disposition."

Wikipedia says, “Friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more beings. This article focuses on the notion specific to interpersonal relationships. In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, and affection along with a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis."
I consider myself incredibly blessed with some good friends and deep friendships (and I’m not speaking of the Facebook kinds of "friends")! Some of these friendships began in the 3rd grade, some just last week, but regardless, I am thanking God for them right now. In the last few months there has been a watershed of events - and I have learned new aspects of friendships. I think Our Daily Bread hit it on the head when it spoke of finding a "fellow Christian or two who can come beside you and hold you up (see Eccl. 4:10), pray for you, talk with you, and remind you that you are not alone." That may be the true essence of Christian frienship. Not about who we are or how well we do something, but how we respond to our friends. (I hear my mother's voice in my head... "the way to have a friend is to be a friend"). So, I ask myself an important question here: what kind of friend am I? I want to be the kind of friend that comes beside my friends, holds them up, prays for them, talks with them, and reminds them that they are not alone!

And most importantly, My Utmost For His Highest spoke of the best frienship of all! The fact that God is my most intimate friend connection. And it truly has nothing to do with who I am or what I can do, but how I respond to Him. So, then I have to ask myself the same question to God: "what kind of friend am I"? And then the harder part comes. Listening for the answer.

I heard this song in the car on the way back from lunch… timely, wouldn’t you say?

Friend of God
By Israel Houghton

Who am I that you are mindful of me
That you hear me when I call
Is it true that you are thinking of me
How you love me it's amazing

I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
He calls me friend

God almighty, Lord of Glory
You have called me friend

(Repeat chorus)

He calls me friend
He calls me friend

All for now,

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