Monday, September 29, 2008


I've just returned from beautiful Minneapolis, Minnesota where I attended my first Desiring God National Conference. A friend suggested I attend and I'm so glad I did. The conference was entitled, "The Power of Words and the Wonder of God". And since God has been speaking to me in "words", I thought it was appropriate that I attend.

On a personal note, it was so fun to hang out with folks: Jessica, Dovie, Erin, and Todd all went to the conference. We also met up with Justin and Brian - who were up in Minnesota. Justin's parents were there also, and family and friends. Dovie's cousin, who lives up there with her family, also invited us over for lunch on the last day. All in all, I had quite the family time while up there. Thanks to all!!

My photo link here

About the conference: let me say at the outset that while I would attest that I'm not a confirmed Calvanist (and John Piper and most folks on the panel are), and yes, probably had a bit of a hesitation because of it; I still learned so much about the love of God, the gratitude of my heart because of who He is and what He has done, and the overflow of it into my life. And the conviction of sin in my life and the reducing affect it has on the power of God in my life. Especially the subtle stuff.

I took quite a bit from each speaker, but I would say my favorites are:

Paul Tripp - “War of Words: Getting to the Heart for God’s Sake

John Piper - “Is There Christian Eloquence? Clear Words and the Wonder of the Cross

I encourage you to listen.

Oh, isn't it "coincidental" that my church's women's retreat is entitled, "The Power of a Word". And this is the byline: "Words have a tremendous affect on us—they can wound and they can heal. Whether the words are spoken, thought or written, they have the power to change our lives as we hold those words in our hearts. Join us as we explore the impact of words in our lives, and most importantly, the power of God’s word to change us forever."

God is so good!

All for now,

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