Friday, January 11, 2008

On the Subject of Lists

While mindlessly surfing, I came across a very interesting list. It gave the 26 Keys to Having An Extraordinary Christian Marriage. I thought it was a good list and wanted to share it. But here's a bit of personal information: Not wanting to appear desperate, I've often shrugged marriage off as a "God will bless me when God will bless me". When He's ready He's ready. But I think there has been an unfortunate consequence of my putting the "big ig" on marriage.

So, regardless of when it happens, I want to start now to prepare for a good marriage - which takes time and purpose. My new thoughts around marriage stem around the purpose of marriage. Should it be for companionship? Family? Unique intimacy? I can get Biblical and say, "for two to become one". I saw this somewhere: "uncovering your true self and, ultimately, your unique purpose for being created". For which I agree, but I think there is more responsibility. I think each partner needs to be willing to lay down their life (truly lay down their life) for the sake of the other becoming more in the image of God. wow! Blows my mind to fully comprehend that. And I savor the day when one day I'll look my husband in the eye and know that he would truly lay down his life for me.

But, don't I already have that? I call him The One: Christ.

All for now,

P.S. I'm still preparing for my number two! ;-)

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