Saturday, December 24, 2005

More on the Subject of Contentment

This subject spurred a lot of response from you all out there in blogreadingland. Thanks for your thoughts!

Most often contentment is talked about in the light of dating/marriage. But I am convinced that we singles have blinded ourselves into thinking it ONLY has to do with that... that once we're married, our contentment will be solved. I really don't think that is true... but you can read more about my thoughts from my earlier blog entry.

So, with that being said, another great article on contentment with singleness came out recently that I wanted to share...

This article gives some good advice on what to do while waiting for our special one. It also gives an incredible account, which left me in tears, of Fanny Crosby.

As we approach Christmas day, I pray for you all a wonderful season filled with the love of Christ through the remembrance of His birth.

I love you all!

All for now,

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