Friday, August 19, 2005

Jesus made a bridge out of two boards and three nails

This was on a marquee of a church that I passed cycling last Saturday morning.

One of the things I like most about cycling is speed. And it's probably not the speed that comes first to your mind. Because while I do like going down hills fast, what I like most about cycling is that you're going slowly enough to be able to read boards like this and because you're going slower it gives you time to think about things... and have different trails of thoughts which can be totally unrelated. Let me demonstrate.

Trail #1
Yes, Jesus did make a bridge for us; for which I am forever thankful. And yes it was out of two boards and three nails, but that's not the crucial element(s). Because while those boards and nails were used, what was critical (and not mentioned) was His body. Because without His body, all it was were two boards and three nails. And there is nothing especially redemptive about that.

Trail #2
Wasn't He a carpenter by trade? Just a cursory thought, but it just got me thinking sideways for a moment. I suppose because I like making things out of common objects not normally valued. I think this is called found art.

Trail #3
Somewhat related to trail #2. Thinking about found art got me thinking of a great hymn... Amazing Grace (another thing I like about cycling (and usually cycling alone) is that you can sing and you might get some strange looks and though you may be going slow, you're going fast enough to pass any strange looks quickly). The line that came to mind was I once was lost and now I'm found. I was a common object not normally valued and He made me priceless.

I think Jesus likes found art too.

All for now,

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