Monday, June 08, 2009

Puncturing Illusions

I actually thought of this blog title way back on 30 April, 2009. Although I don't remember much of what I wanted to blog about then, I have a full idea of what I want to write now.

I think I absorb the most by looking reflectively at things; after they happen. I know I write a lot here about my reflections since last May - which was such a watershed for me. And not to stop there, many a significant event has happened since then, only for me to recognize and acknowledge God's unrelenting work in me.

I looked online for "reflective learning". I was suprised at how many results came up (1,200,000)! The 4th result listed had some interesting information:

Reflection can help you to:

  • better understand your strengths and weaknesses
  • identify and question your underlying values and beliefs
  • acknowledge and challenge possible assumptions on which you base your ideas, feelings and actions
  • recognize areas of potential bias or discrimination
  • acknowledge your fears, and
  • identify possible inadequacies or areas for improvement.

Reflection can lead to greater self-awareness, which in turn is a first step to positive change – it is a necessary stage in identifying areas for improvement and growth in both personal and professional contexts. Taking time to reflect can help you identify approaches that have worked well, and in that way reinforce good practice.

I don't want to turn this into a self-awareness exercise because I this it is more about the Holy Spirit's work in me. Yet, truly, all this has really been puncturing illusions that I had been living with for years. Illusions of who God truly is; who I am (faults, habit, blind spots, and chains and all); who He has created me to be, His design for love and marriage; and most importantly the power of transformation. Praise Him!

I've learned a lot, despite my kicking and screaming - for the crucible that I have been in, for growth that sometimes hurts; for truth that can sometimes be painful and for the protracted trust, rest, and wait that He calls me to... all of which I have, at times, demanded that He relent. Ye loves me too much to give into my demands; especially desires that turn into demands which turn into felt needs.

The most of what I have learned: All of Him is more than enough for all of me. I'm trusting Him for the rest and wait.

All for now,

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