Wednesday, February 13, 2008

How Fresh is Your Bread?

Editors note: I started this blog entry on Friday, 1 February, 2008 - a day after having a wonderful lunch with a friend of mine. For one reason or the other, I did not finish it in my usual time of 1-2 days. Now, I see why... God had other plans. Oh how I love the way He loves me.

I had a lovely time with a friend of mine yesterday. He had agreed to meet me at my house for a quick lunch while someone looked at my kayak for sale. What a great time we had!!

Toward the end of our time together, he asked me an interesting question, and one in which I've pondered yesterday and today... and I thought blog-worthy. Let me preface this with he and I are the type of friends that can ask each other those difficult male-female perspective questions.

So, the question was this: in dating, and especially dating in the Christian-realm, he asked how I felt about the man not being as spiritually mature as the woman. We agreed that we thought it not only comfortable but also right for the man to lead the relationship.

I thought about it... it's a good question to ask yourself. I told him that while my preference would be that the man was more spiritually mature, what I thought was more important was that he was readily walking with this Lord... daily. And that beat out any knowledge. You see, anyone can be intelligent about God, but to walk with Him is something that is crucial. Actually, I want my man to have to seek God to find me. And I guess it depends on what "spiritually mature" means, but I suppose it would be preferable for me to be with someone who may be newer to the faith (and thus less"mature") than someone who has been a believer a long time (and may even be knowledgeable), but not as obedient. I guess obedience and surrender, to me, is most important.

So, why am I posting now, almost 12 days later. Well, first off, I needed time to really think about it. And second, today's "Our Daily Bread" is just perfect timing. Of course it is! Thanks be to God.
All for now,

P.S. Today's "My Utmost for His Highest" is pretty timely also


Alyssa said...

I tried to click on the Daily Bread link and received a "Page not found error."

I'd like to read the article, but I've thought about this topic before and I must say I disagree. I believe a husband should be racing towards the Lord. Racing is a key word. I think he needs to be racing, because his wife is also rushing towards her Savior, and he has to race to stay ahead of her. If she starts off ahead of him, he will never be in the lead, because everytime he speaks with passion about his walk, she will be empassioned to grow too. Thus, always staying ahead.
However, I think your point of more mature, but less obedient versus newer believer and more obedient is a valid one.

Lisa said...

I'm not sure with what you're disagreeing because I think we're saying the same thing ("Actually, I want my man to have to seek God to find me.")


P.S. Try the links again... I think RBC Ministries changed their URL paths a bit. I've corrected them (I think).