Monday, November 28, 2005

His Face Showing Through (remix)

This Sunday's sermon really appealed to me. Ben Stuart did an outstanding job of going through Colossians 1:24-29. My Bible entitles this passage "Paul's Labor for the Church".

I ended up taking notes in prose-fashion so I thought I would share it here:

Either by craze or by cause
Living with purpose
But when purpose introduces pain
Do you see joy in it?
Rejoice in suffering
I have a cause
That's worth living for
Worth dying for
This is why I live
Two voices we give
An unreserved yes to
The glorious riches of the mystery
God willed to make known
Once in the dark
Now in the light
Unknown made know
Not just the content
But the beauty of the passion
The story being told
Not knowledge or teaching
But the story of the good news
The gospel
Looking for hope
Save me!
The passions of our heart
The continuing work of Jesus Christ

All for now,

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