Monday, October 09, 2006

It's All About Perspective!

I mentioned earlier that I was going to talk about the Big Buddha that I visited in Hong Kong, so here's my musings!

The Tian Tan Buddha, (aka "Big Buddha") is on Lantau Island, Hong Kong. It's the "world's tallest outdoor seated bronze Buddha". The statue is located near the Po Lin Monastery and is supposed to symbolize the harmonious relationship between man and nature, people and religion. It seems to be a major center of Buddhism in Hong Kong, and is also a popular tourist attraction.

I was amazed at the commercialism around this little monastery. As I walked around, I was amazed at how easily the monks walk amongst the tourists.

As I climbed the steps to the Buddha, I was mindful of what all of this meant to a Buddhist. And being in Beth's class right now on the Study of the Psalms of the Ascents, I was very mindful of Psalm 121 as I climbed the stairs. As a matter of fact, I had the song, "I Lift My Eyes Up", going through my head as I climbed each of the 268 steps to the top.

I Lift My Eyes Up

I lift my eyes up Up to the mountains
Where does my help come from
My help comes from You
Maker of Heaven
Creator of the earth

O how I need You Lord
You are my only hope
You are my only prayer
So I will wait for You
To come and rescue me
To come and give me life

My final thought as I toured this place was that I was happy that my God could not be contained in bronze or anything else.

All for now,

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